Translated literally, Bar/Bat Mitzvah means ‘son’ (bar) or ‘daughter’ (bat) ‘of the commandment.’
Usually they take place in the synagogue but in the past eighteen months, we’ve celebrated a few b’nei mitzvah over Zoom and they’ve been quite an experience for everyone! We’re looking forward to many more, in person, in the synagogue, once we open up again fully.
When do you need to start planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
The community’s minhag is that, for both boys and girls, the service can take place at any time after their 13th birthday, according to both Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. Many families like it to take place shortly after the 13th birthday, others choose to delay by a few months or even years (we have had some children having it after their 16th birthday, as well as some adults celebrating decades later).
Download the B’nei Mitzvah action plan here.
For information about Bar or Bat Mitzvah, please contact us.