Citizens and Visitors are all welcome at The Mayor’s Multi-faith Gathering on Sunday 5 February 2023 at 2.45 pm in the Banqueting Room at the Guildhall
The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Bath (Councillor Rob Appleyard) invites you to explore his theme – “Roots & The Canopy of Our City” from the perspective of different faiths
Share a free buffet whilst discovering more about Bahá’í, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Druid, Sikh faiths and the Sai Baba group.
Representatives of various faiths will give a presentation on The Mayor of Bath’s theme for this year ‘Roots and Canopy of Our City’ supporting, promoting and encouraging the many groups and organisations, large and small, in the city of Bath who provide a canopy of support, opportunity, or fun to the wellbeing of our residents.